Super Bowl Sunday teaches lessons about life: Ron Paul, Obamacare, and how we define victory in this campaign.

Super Bowl Sunday is today. This is really a holiday in America (though I get no holiday pay for it….). This blog was initially a holiday inspired blog, so maybe it would be good to tie in the celebration with my latest fascinations with politics.

Two popular sports currently are football (duh!) and UFC. Both of these events are very much hard impact sports, very reminiscent of ancient Roman gladiatorial combat. Both of them involve top notch athletes that are built up so that they can tear each other down. Both are very closely related to raw combat. I can think of few sports that are more testosterone laced. And Donald Trump has had his hand in both, and has tried to capitalize on both.

And now we segue back into politics.

In previous posts, I related five reasons why I felt Ron Paul was the best of the candidates. I’ve documented my thinking and reasoning on the first two points, his strong stance on the Constitution, and his superiority to his opponents on economic issues. My third point was that he was the most likely to actually repeal Obamacare.

So I must first address two questions that most readers are likely to have. One is, what is so bad about Obamacare? The other is, how does all this tie into combat sports?

1. Obamacare is sold as a compassionate safety net to improve our lives, but is actually a socialist bid to control our lives.

It’s a bold statement. One that has been made by conservative talk pundits since Hillary Clinton first attempted it almost twenty years ago. But I think I can back it up relatively easily. I’m sure I’ll get some hate mail for it, but those are the breaks.

First of all, those who know me, and those who are following this blog, understand that I’m not one of these morons that thinks that there is nothing wrong with our health care system. I have personal experience with being turned away from a hospital. I’m not going to agree with people who say that no one is being turned away from hospitals. It is happening. It happened to me. My hand was infected when I was a night janitor making less than minimum wage (which is also how I know that there are some huge moral holes in our crony capitalist system). I went to the hospital with a smelly, oozing purple hand that I was certain I was going to lose (if I was lucky enough to survive the infection). The hospital asked if I had any money. They asked if I had any insurance. I had to say that I didn’t, since that was the truth. And they told me to get out.

So, yes, something is horribly wrong with our system. But I’m still not for Obamacare. God was kind to me, and spared my hand. But I’d have rather lost that hand, or, for that matter, my life, than to lose my liberty. The easiest way for the government to control our lives is to control us through our doctors. Doctors tell us how to live our lives. They have authority to give us drugs, and essential treatments. Those drugs and treatments have huge influence on the quality of our lives. Anyone that has read Brave New World will recognize the chilling resemblance between the current medico-governmental system of drug policy, and the state sponsored “soma” that kept “citizens” in a mild high that numbed the thinking just enough to ensure that people were content with everything the government did.

Of coarse, you may think that Obama himself is better than that, and that the current bill is nothing like that. I’ll cover these issues in a later post.

2. The current Republican candidates all define victory as repealing Obamacare. That is what most Republicans want them to do. But only Ron Paul will follow through with it.

Politics is the womb in which war develops.

War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means. Both quotes from Karl Von Clausewitz On War

I know. I’m talking about healthcare, and not war. These quotes probably seem more appropriate to commentary on foreign policy. But to me, Clausewitz (Sun Ztu, for that matter) place military science as subsections of politics. There are several good reasons for this, but the reason I wish to focus on now is that there are similarities between how a political campaign, and military campaign…and yes, a football game, are conducted. There must be objectives. You must have a well-defined goal. You have to define what constitutes victory. And you must have a strategy for attaining victory.

To me, whoever wins the election will still go down in defeat, if they don’t get Obamacare overturned. And I’ll write about that in my next post.

In the meanwhile, I’m going to post this video because I think it helps make my point. Besides, I’m a huge fan of Jerry Doyle (life has been so dry, since Babylon 5 went off the air).

I’m only posting this one video, because a lot of folks are telling me they don’t watch the videos. I still feel that they add to the power of my statements, but then again, the customer is always right.

On the subject of videos, I’d like to thank for siting us. It really warms my heart to know that someone is taking this message to heart. I’d like to thank for their citing us. And I’d like to thank for his mentions, and for sending me Ron Paul videos. I’m not ignoring you ghettoracer! I think the videos are awesome, and I hope to use some of them in future posts.

Any way….here’s a word from Jerry Doyle talks about Donald Trump vs Ron Paul

Ron Paul can save America-5 reasons why

1. Restored Constitution

Man is not free unless government is limited-Ronald Reagan.

The founding fathers knew that people were very imperfect. Give the average man absolute power, and he will absolutely abuse it. Being wise and inspired men, they constituted the greatest government the world has ever seen….a republican democracy that had limits on the government to keep people from oppressing each other. Ron Paul has the greatest respect and knowledge of the Constitution of any candidate, and his record shows his great desire to preserve and protect that Constitution.

2. Restored economy

The greatest threat facing America today is the disastrous fiscal policies of our own government, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. It is this one-two punch– Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Fed printing money to make up the difference– that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars-Ron Paul

The economy is at the top of nearly every one’s list of concerns. Right or wrong, that is what the average American is worried about. In the debate tonight, a question was asked, “If you weren’t running for president, how would you spend Saturday night.” Most of the candidates said they would be watching football. Ron Paul said he would be studying economics. He is the candidate with the firmest grasp on economics, and has the clearest vision for how to get the economy back on track.

3. Legitimate health care reform-repeal Obamacare

When a government takes over a people’s economic life if becomes absolute, and when it has become absolute it destroys the arts, the minds, the liberties and the meaning of the people it governs-Maxwell Anderson

When I was younger, my hand got infected. It swelled up to twice its normal size. At the time, I was broke as a convict, and had no insurance. The hospital told me to get out. So I get that there needs to be some reform in the medical industry. But I read nowhere in the Constitution that the place of the federal government is to provide me with health care. God was kind to me, and I didn’t lose my hand. But it left a bitter taste in my mouth that helps me understand why so many people voted for Obama. But Obamacare is nothing more than a massive government takeover of the medical industry. Ron Paul is a doctor with immense economic and political knowledge. He will know the best ways to help heal the holes in medicine, while keeping the government from oppressing us through the healing arts.

4. Foreign Policy

Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die-Herbert Hoover

Ron Paul’s most controversial ideas are his position on foreign policy. Many conservative talk show pundits (who I respect highly) will declare that they love Ron Paul….but they can’t support him because of his foreign policy. They forget that Washington (who was absolutely no coward…..don’t even dare tell me he was afraid of a fight!) kept us out of the French revolution because it was against American interests and was none of our #%&* business!!!! Don’t get me wrong. I was for the war in Afghanistan….and Iraq. But we got Bin Laden, we got Saddam Hussein. Why are we still there? Ron Paul would respect other nations. And, like Reagan, he would put the fear of God in our enemies.

5. Secure the borders

A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation-Ronald Reagan

In the 21st century, we are defined not by our borders but by our bonds-Barrack Obama

Please don’t send hateful e-mails telling me how racist I am. I have many Hispanic friends. They work very hard, they are very friendly and intelligent, and they love this country. They are an asset to this country and I am proud to know them…

And they are here legally.

Ron Paul would get the troops out of Afghanistan where they are currently dying to rebuild a nation that hates us, and would put the troops on the border so that they can perform the mission they are called to do: protect our nation.

Well, there you have it. Please feel free to investigate these claims. Do your own research, though, because the liberal-government-media complex is doing its best to distort his message.