Listen to God’s voice

Proverbs is known as book of God‘s wisdom in the Bible.  I will try to write something from it everyday.

Proverbs 1:8-19 NIV version says:

Warning Against Enticement

“Listen my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.  They will be garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.  My son, if sinners, entice you, do not give in to them.  If they say, – “come along with me lets ‘s waylay some harmless soul; let’s swallow them alive, like the grave, and whole like those who go down to the pit; we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our homes with plunder; throw in your lot with us, and we will share common purse” – my son do not go along with them, do not set foot on their path; for their feet rush into sin, they are swift ti shed blood.  How useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds!  These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves!  Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it.”

The first point in this scripture is to listen to your parents.  I was blessed with parents who loved God and taught me the right direction.  I have have messed up some, but their words of wisdom never departed from me. Sometimes we reject what parents teach us; but if you have a Godly upbringing listen to your parents, they are wise.  Do not go with crowd because they are cool.  Listen to God and do what he says, not what some other person tells you.  I am parent now,  I still listen to God and I have to do what he tells me to do.  There are rewards to listening to your parents.

The second point in the scripture is do not be greedy.  The people described in this verse was motivated by greed.  When greed motivates a man’s heart it can make him ruthless.  A greedy man will destroy the life of another and will destroy his own life.

Veggie Tales has song that talks about standing up for what you believe in.  It very important that we all do stand up for God!






Do what is right unto the Lord

Often people will do what they want to do instead what is right and fair.  We have to remember to do what the Lord tells us  to do, instead of what our flesh tells us to do.  Proverbs 1:1-7 says (NIV Version):

The proverbs of Solomon son of David. king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just, and fair, for giving prudence to simple, knowledge and discretion to the young  let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance  for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.  The fear of Lord is beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

This verse says to fear the Lord, but not to be afraid of the Lord.  We must understand and know the Bible.  Sometimes being Christian is hard but with discipline in your life and standing up for Jesus, we will persuasive.   Today listen and obey God’s word.

I love the song “Are You Living In Old Man’s Rubble”, and some of the words are:  Are you living in old man’s rubble, are you listening to the Fathers of lies? What the song is saying is are you going to listen to the devil or Jesus the one you gave you life?  Here is video by Amy Grant.

Seek Jesus First

The more I pray the more God is showing me that there are going to be more supernatural  events that you cannot explain.   The other day the leg on the couch broke off.  I took the leg to hardware store I asked for man and asked him what I should do.  He said just minute he went to his manager and asked if he could go to my house to fix.  This does not happen everyday, he fixed and told be Happy Mother’s Day.  This was supernatural miracle that I cannot explain.  They do not come to people’s house’s everyday.

I have praying for husband, a supernatural miracle for better job.  I do not know how this will happen, but I know God has something in store that shock him and he will be amazed.

I know big factor of getting these supernatural miracles is walking in Love.  Sometimes we make mistakes and say things that we should not say or act in a way that we should not.  We are humans we are not God.  When you do you say that your sorry and continue to walk in love.  1 Corinthians 13:4 -8 says: “Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self – seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. Here is The Love of God by Gaither’s :

We have to put God first.  Matthew 6:33 says:  “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”   I heard Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God by Maranatha singers it touched me as child, still does.  Have very blessed day!

Memorial Day means to us

Amazing grace is Christian  hymn written by English poet and clergyman John Newton (1725-1807), published in 1779.  This song talks about troubles and God leading us  home.  Memorial Day is formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to honor the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War.  We would like honor all the fallen soldiers and all our loved ones that has moved on to Heaven.  This video of Gaither’s :

This song talks about grace.  Too often people do not want to forgive they tend to give up and not try lot of marriages and relationships fell because of misunderstandings and things that can be worked out.  The bible says to have grace in Ephesians 4:31-32 says: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ”  God gives us grace to forgive other people.  When men and women are in relationship they think very different, and  we know that sometimes spouses forget that.   Whatever disagreement you had with your spouse or anyone else can be worked out with God’s help.  Matthew 18:22-23 says: ‘ Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ” Lord,  how many times shall I forgive brother where he sins against me? Up to seven times?”  Jesus answered, I tell you not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”   If you have unforgiviness toward spouse, family member, or friend you can always forgive them everyone human no one is perfect.  Today is the day to forgive. If your are not saved Jesus can forgive you today.  Here a song by the Gaither’s “Please Forgive me”.{ Please forgive me I need your grace to make it thru, all I have in you I’m at your mercy.  Lord I will serve till my dyeing day, help others find away I’m at your mercy. Please forgive.}  These are some of the words in this song.   Jesus is Love and we are praying for you!

“I’ll always bring you roses….”

Memorial Day didn’t start out as a day to get drunk and eat too many hotdogs. It began as a day for a grieving nation to honor the dead that fought for freedom at Gettysburg. We don’t know it, but these dead still haunt us…..

My wife is the positive one (in case you couldn’t tell. God has a great sense of humor, because He caused this positive, up beat woman to marry a very morose old man. She wrote about music. I will write about grief.

When I was a kid, I grew up on a farm. The farm was roughly equidistant between two towns. Other than the fact that the towns are in Oklahoma, I’ll keep the locations anonymous, for now, so that I can keep my secret identity.

My family barely celebrated Memorial Day. In fact, being farmers, we really weren’t much for celebrating any holiday at all. But, when I got older, Dad would take me to the cemetary, put up the wreathes (I have no idea how old the wreathes were….they were fake, and we’d used them about every year for about fifteen years that I remember). It didn’t mean much to me, till I was thirteen.

Several things were going on, then. Dad had lost his job, and his drinking was getting worse. And I was in love for the first time, and hopelessly so. So I guess I was finally ready for the message of Memorial Day.

Flander’s Field. This field saw bloody fighting, and became a grave sight for thousands upon thousands of soldiers. A Lt. Col. wrote a poem about this place. John MCrae. He died after four years of service.

On that Memorial Day, Dad took me to a stone, that had the names of all the fallen veteran’s from the town. The numbers of fallen from each World War both were greater than the population of the town. The town has yet to recover from either war. This is why we ‘celebrate’ Memorial Day.

In Flander’s Field

Music should be positive

So often the music on rock or country station is negative.  It often talks about depression, one leaving spouse, and break up of the family unit.  I have gotten wiser in my 43 years of living. I choose to listen to positive and uplifting songs.  Philippians  4:8 says:  “Finally, brothers, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”  The devil wants us to think about negative and depressed things.  I choose to think about positive and happy things.  The song of Gaither’s  I’m going to Sing, talks about music that is uplifting, here is video. ” I am going to turn off the songs that would drag people down to the pit of despondency“, is one of lines of this song and I tend to do this.

When you get up in the morning you can control your day.  You can either be happy or depressed I will always to be happy and trust in Jesus.  Here is simply but positive song ” Keep on the Sunny Side” Jeff and Sherry Easter singing.

Have positive and uplifting day and remember Jesus Loves You!

Accumulation of Power

Solar eclipse, 2012. No….it hasn’t happened yet….I got this picture from wikipedia. Some folks see it as a sign of the end times. I see it as a metaphor of our times.

I remember two solar eclipses in my lifetime. One happened when I was a kid, and the other, later on, while I was an adult busting my tail trying to make a living. The first one, I “saw” via some paper contraption that my teachers set up so that we could view the shadow of the image without burning out our tender young eyes (some of you may think I made that story up…but yes, I remember a time when more than two teachers per state actually cared about kids). The second one, I slept through, because I was working nights at the time, and had to sleep during the days (like a vampire) or not at all.

And I shall miss this one, as well. From what I can gather, Oklahoma won’t be very much in the shadow of the eclipse at all.

I’ve been writing a lot (perhaps too much) about the potential, emminant fall of the Republic. I’m writing all of this in the hopes that maybe, like in the 70’s, this is merely an eclipse of liberty. I’m hoping that the sun of Liberty will pull free soon from behind the moon of despotism, and we shall revive the spirit of our Father’s once again.

But I fear, all too often, that this is actual Twilight, and the day may be over for us.

Picture credit,

We’ve established (at least, we’ve tried to establish) in previous posts that the accumulation of power usurped from all three branches of power amounts to tyranny, even if that power is democratically elected.

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.-Federalist 47. Madison.

Let’s keep exploring what The Federalist Papers say about our times.

1. The Founding Father‘s knew that governments tend to sacrifice long term securities and freedoms for short term agrendizement. They constructed the

The Founding Father’s pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to give their children secure lives of liberty. We’ve turned our backs on all of that.
Picture credit:

Constitution in a deliberate fashion to alleviate that short sightedness.

Is it to be imagined that a legislative assembly, consisting of a hundred or two hundred members, eagerly bent on some favorite object, and breaking through the restraints of the Constitution in pursuit of it, would be arrested in their careers by considerations drawn from a censorial revision of their conduct at the future distance of ten, fifteen, or twenty years?-Federalist 50. Madison.

The idea Madison is explaining, here, is why they made the Constitution amendable, but also made it difficult to do so. If it were easily amended, than a tyranny would be easily established. If it were difficult to amend, then a tyranny would be harder to establish. But flaws in the Constitution could still be corrected. But, as we established earlier ( the Constitution is a worthless piece of paper if the people don’t honor and revere it. Since we’ve thrown it aside, the Powers that Be are free to do as they with.

And they wish to rule….

Executive orders from…..

Presidents & Congress ignoring the Constitution

Don’t click on it….I nabbed the picture from There was a time when we thought Congressional Statesmen would face the Devil to preserve our freedoms. Now we assume they make deals with him to enslave us to their will…

2. The political parties that were supposed to compete with each other have become carbon copies of each other. Some of the Founding Father’s actually saw the danger of parties cooperating instead of competing.

Is it to be presumed that any other State, at the same or any other given period, will be exempt from them [political parties]? Such an event ought to be neither presumed nor desired; because an extinction of parties necessarily implies either a universal alarm for the public safety, or an absolute extinction of liberty.-Federalist 50. Madison.

One of the reasons I write so harshly about the Republican party is because I am a Republican. I want them to stand for the conservative values I’ve come to embrace. I don’t want them to just talk about those values, and then vote the same, or worse, than Democrats. That’s as bad as a pastor preaching the Bible to me on Sunday and heading to the strip clubs to cheat on his wife all the rest of the week!

We don’t want perfect party unity. We want opposition. So that the Powers That Be are fighting each other, and not putting us behind the 8 ball. But that has been the history of the last twenty (or hundred) years.

John Stossel: The myth that Republicans want to shrink govt.

As Stossel states in the above video….a thief is better than a Congressman, because a thief doesn’t demand to be thanked when he picks your pocket. One of the reasons why I hate my job is because bosses insist that I work in misery and pain, and yet smile while I’m doing it. I don’t doubt this is universal. We don’t care how much our servants hurt. We just want them to smile.

The Joker smiles a lot. I think I understand how he got his scars.

Join God’s Army


Today, May 19, 2012, is Armed Forces Day;  a day that honors the military forces.  We would like to say thank you for all the men and women who died and gave their time for our country.  We are praying for you and your families.   Thank for making our Nation free.

Here is Gaither song Let Freedom Ring:

We would also like to say thank you Jesus for giving his life.  If you are not in God‘s army we would like to personally invite in his army.  Ephesians 6:10-18 says to put on full armor of God:  Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power.  Put on full armor of God so that you can stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with you feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  And pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, he be alert and always keep praying for all the saints.

We are God’s Army; Are you?

Since the Constitution is outdated, let’s abandon it and let Skynet rule America!

Donna Summer died today, aged 63, of Lung Cancer. The Queen of Disco, Diva of the Seventies….all we really are is dust in the wind…..(photo credit: Us Magazine).

So you are probably asking yourself, “What is Duncan doing now? He writes about Ron Paul, he writes about Jesus, he writes about the Joker…..has he finally lost it? Now he writes about disco!?”

While I do love the night life, and I long to boogy (on the disco….oh heck, who am I kidding…..I have no clue what the lyrics are), I’m trying to make a couple of quick points before I get all serious on my overly patient readers.

Only two things are guaranteed….death and taxes….and Obama delivers both….(Picture credit

Point number one was eloquently portrayed by Mel Gibson‘s Braveheart.

The Princess is begging Longshanks for mercy for William Wallace. But even in his death, the hard-hearted king will not relent. And she whispers, so sadly, so softly….”Death comes to us all.”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not wanting to make this a tacky piece criticizing Donna Summer when the poor lady has just died. All I’m trying to say is….you can have all the wealth, power, and fame you want. You’re still going to die.

Which is why you have to make every day count. You never know which one will be your last. Another great line from Braveheart: “Every man dies, not every man truly lives.”


My second point is a little more touchy. Again I don’t mean to be critical of Donna Summers! She’s meeting her Maker, now, and if any criticism needs to be done, then He is sufficient to do it. But disco was one of the shining elements of the 70’s “Me generation.” And that generation is already beginning to grow old and die. I wonder how many folks from that time are regretting some of the choices they made. I wonder how many of them, on their death beds, or in the here-after, realize, too late, that it really isn’t just about “me…..”

Life really doesn’t mean one thin dime if its only lived for oneself.

Braveheart-Who Wants to Live Forever

For the nerds out there, this is Morgoth fighting Fingolfin. For the rest of you, this is the Little Guy trying to fight Big Government and Big Corporatism. (Picture credit:

I’m about 405 words in, now, and I guess I’d better get to my point (or, at least, vaguely justify my grandiose title). So, as I have done in the past, I will try to shed some light on our modern-day with the wisdom of The Federalist Papers.

The Conclusion which I am warrented in drawing from the observations is that a mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits of the several departments is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.-Federalist 48. Madison.

You see, even the Founding Father’s knew that, without a freedom loving populace, without a moral people, without an informed voting citizenry, the Constitution would be nothing but an empty piece of paper. And that is why the movement of Ron Paul “crazies,” while they are right to want a return to the Constitution, can only succeed if that Constitution becomes (like God speaks of His own Laws) written in the very hearts of the people.

Cincinattus was the Washington of Rome. He was offered the throne of Rome, and turned it down, believing that the people should be free…..

So where does that leave us….with crooked politicians that believe that you have to “Go along to get along?”

Santorum on Supporting No Child Left Behind: “Sometimes you take one for the team”

And that is how politics has been for at least the last seventy years. You have to compromise your principles. You have to sell your soul. If you want reelected, you have to betray….

Slaves are made in such ways


Yes, I know. Many of you big government types, many of you corporate CEOs…you are saying, with Robert the Bruce‘s father….”All men betray….all men lose heart.”

And I say, with that bold king whose blood runs in the veins of my best of friends….”I don’t want to lose heart!

For only if I don’t lose heart, only then can I finally go Home. And only then can I finally be free….

Gladiator: Now we are free

Oh yeah…I made a reference to the Terminator….well….I’ll be back…..

If coal can turn to diamonds and sand can turn to pearl then love can change the world.  The Gaither’s are so much better than disco.

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises as our Republic Falls

The Dark Knight Rises is coming soon. I used to identify with Batman, but more and more, I identify with the Joker.

So I’m sitting at a sales meeting. And they announce that The Dark Night Rises is coming out. I used to be a big geek….still am, when I have the time. I loved Batman. A very small part of me hoped that I might become super-rich, so I could be Batman. But now, I’m so tired….if I had all that money, I’d probably buy an island and disappear.

Anyway… is the trailer we watched.

The Dark Knight Rises-Official Teaser

So, I’m thinking, “These corporate clowns watch this trailer, that warns them of the increasing discontent among the poor, and they don’t even realize that it convicts them! How can they live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us……

I’m sure my bosses think that they are Batman. I suppose that makes me the Joker…..

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